A comprehensive and iterative ranking off all burgers in Chicago, made by experts for experts.


Who Are You?

We are two guys are have a passion for burgers. We have had thousands of our burgers in our lives and can remember almost every single one, down to extreme details about char, toppings, even cook temperature. We ranked every burger we have tried in Chicago on ranked them accordingly. We hope you try them all and tell us what we got wrong.

Why Chicago?

We firmly believe that Chicago is the most ‘American’ city. New York is for the world, Los Angeles is for celebrities, but Chicago is a melting pot in the truest sense of the word. Since the late 19th century, Chicago has been the place to find beef in America. Since the cheeseburger is perhaps the most quintessential of American foods (see Steve Martin’s Pink Panther if you disagree), it made sense to start here.

Why Should I Trust You?

The same reason you trust anyone else on the Internet. We don’t have the name brand of Infatuation, Eater, or Timeout, but we firmly believe we give the most unbiased opinion on every burger we have. Rankings are updated every time we try / re-try a new burger joint. The only thing that matters is how good the burger was the last time we had it.

What Is Your Criteria? Can I See It?

Like college and law school admissions, we believe in a holistic assessment of each individual candidate. Notable criteria include char, sloppiness, bun strength, crunch, meat temperature, and garnishes, amongst others. Most of all, we think you can rank a burger when you try it, and that is what we do. Burgers are ranked as either God, Elite, Great, or off the pyramid entirely. Please see the pyramid for more details.